We want you to have an amazing trip and to make the best use of your time and talent while you are with us! Below is a list of our mission trips' most frequently asked questions. If you have other questions that are not included below, please get in touch with Aaron Frazita at 219-924-2446. 

Guatemala Volunteer Checklist 2025
For All Persons/Groups Staying at the HIM House
Guatemala Volunteer Checklist 2025
For All Persons/Groups Staying at Hotel Atlantico 
Ecuador Volunteer Checklist 2025
For All Persons/Groups Traveling to Ecuador 

There is a place for everyone! HIM needs all types of volunteers: Medical and Allied Health professionals, skilled tradesmen, firefighters, those fluent in Spanish, individuals to care for children and assist in clinics, workers to help build homes and do small repairs and more. If you have a willing heart to serve, you are welcome to join our trips. Let us know the passions and skills of your group and together we will put together a trip that will be meaningful and impactful.

The cost varies depending on the length of the trip and ranges between $1050 - $1250. This cost covers in-country transportation, hotel stay, meals, emergency medical Insurance and other program fees. We also strongly recommend the purchase of travel cancellation insurance in case you are unable to travel with us for any reason. Other expenses include any side excursions that you wish to participate in during “R&R” days at the end of the trip.  This cost does not include your flights for the trip.  You will be responsible for procuring your own flight into and out of the Guatemala City airport.  

HIM customizes each mission trip to fit the needs and abilities of the volunteers who will be participating. Please check with the trip coordinator or team leader for a better idea of what your trip will look like.

Hearts In Motion is pleased to announce that we have remodeled our facility in Teculutan and will now be able to house our groups of less than approximately 30 people there. Larger groups will be staying at Hotel Atlantico located at Km 126 in Rio Hondo, Zacapa. At the end of the trip, the group will be staying at one of several hotels in Antigua, Guatemala.  You can see pictures of both hotels by CLICKING HERE

There is not an actual application process, however, we do ask all our volunteers to fill out the Online Trip Registration form and Healthcare Provider form (if pertains to you).

Depending upon the destination and length of your service trip, there may be a number of excursions available for you to participate in at the end of your trip. Options will be shared with you by the HIM team leader or coordinator prior to the trip. Excursions may include, but are not limited to a volcano hike, zip lining, coffee plantation tour or cooking school.

Guatemala has moved to an all online system for their customs forms.  These forms should be filled out 3 days prior to entering and exiting Guatemala.  HIM will text you the link for this form.  Please be sure to keep a copy of the confirmation email with you as you travel.   You can find a full walkthrough video for filling out this form by clicking here. 


2210 US 41
Schererville, Indiana 46375
Phone: 219-924-2446
Fax: 219-922-1694

Privacy & Other Policies
Guatemala Office


Barrio La Barca
Gualan, Zacapa
Guatemala, Central America



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